Water Restrictions and Car Washing in Austin

By Product Expert | Posted in Community, Tips and Tricks on Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017 at 8:03 am
Can I wash my car by hand in Austin TX?

When it comes to water restrictions in Austin, there are a lot of timing concerns and rules that home owners and other residents need to be aware of in order to conserve water. We all know that it’s important to regularly wash your car (especially because the extreme Texas heat can have some adverse affects on your exterior paint job) but you may be wondering “Can I was my car by hand in Austin TX?” We have that answer, and some other trips and tricks, below.

Read More: How often should you wash your car?

Can I wash my car by hand in Austin TX?

A car wash business in Austin TX will have to operate according to special guidelines, but what if you just want to do a spot check on your vehicle at home, or don’t really want someone else or a machine handling your vehicle? In Austin TX, individuals may wash vehicles at home during Conservation State Water Restrictions as long as they use a bucket or a hose that will automatically shut off. You CAN wash your car, but you have to be careful to use water responsibly.

When washing your car…narrow image of a person scrubbing a red car of dirt or road salt

…use a bucket for your water…top half of a red bucket like you'd use to wash something

…or an automatic shut-off hose.blue car being sprayed with water

Do I have to wash my car on a specific day?

While we are in Conservation Stage you do not need to wash you car on any specific day or according to your sprinkling/water schedule. That may change in different Stages.

What is the current water restriction level?

During drought conditions, there may be a Stage 2 restriction (which is different from Conservation Stage) or higher. The last time we checked, Austin was in the Conservation Stage, which has more relaxed rules about personal car washing. If that changes to Stage 2 levels, the rules may be different. You can find out the current water restriction level at the Austin Water Restrictions page.

Do I need to get a variance to wash my car?

An Austin TX water variance allows people or businesses to use water outside the restricted times. You do not need to get a variance to wash your car under the Conservation Stage when you use a contained water source like a bucket or a self-stopping hose.

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