Tips to Avoid Being Sleepy Behind the Wheel

By Product Expert | Posted in Safety on Wednesday, December 21st, 2016 at 3:41 pm
Argument Over a car Accident

How to Stay Awake While You’re on the Road

If you’ve been driving long enough you have likely found yourself in a situation where you are behind the wheel of a car and half asleep. However, is extremely dangerous and can lead to serious accidents and even death. Luckily, driving while you are overtired is something that can be avoided in most cases. Therefore, we are going to dedicate this article to highlighting how to stay awake while you’re on the road, continue reading to learn more about this story.

Rear of a car drivingPre-Drive Nap

This tip is a major key. If you are feeling sleepy or sluggish during the day we recommend taking a pre-drive nap if you have time for it. The nap will give an added boost of energy that will help keep you awake throughout your drive. We understand that taking a pre-drive nap isn’t always possible, but it’s a great idea when you are able to.

Don’t Drive Between Midnight and 6:00am

We all have a biological clock that tells us when we should be asleep and when we should be awake. For most people, our biological clock tells us that we should be sleeping between the hours of midnight and 6:00am. Therefore, we recommend staying off the roads during that time because that is when drowsiness is likely to be the most intense.

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Drink Caffeine

Whether its soda, energy drinks coffee or any other caffeinated beverage we recommend drinking it, especially during long drives. Caffeine helps to keep you awake and improves alertness. However, just be aware that the effect of caffeine will wear off after several hours.

Learn More Tips and Tricks!

We hope that this topic was helpful to you. Feel free to reach out to us here at Gil’s Auto Sales if you have any additional questions or comments.

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