Find a Vehicle Under 60k Mileage

By Product Expert | Posted in Used Cars on Thursday, June 8th, 2017 at 4:10 pm

Used cars with under 60,000 miles driven

If you’re in the market for a used car but you aren’t quite sure what you want, the research process can be pretty difficult. There are hundreds of different vehicles out there on the market, which can make whittling down the numbers seem like a daunting task. Just making a list of a few things you know you want can be quite helpful.

For instance, the first step might be to decide if you’re looking for a car, truck or utility vehicle, and then you can start narrowing your search down from there. If you’ve gotten a few points jotted down, and one of them is that you’re looking for something that has been driven under 60,000 miles since it was built, we’ve got you covered right here at Gil’s Auto Sales.

[ SHOP NOW: Used Car Inventory under 60,000 Miles ]

Why Low Mileage is Important

Depending on who you are and what you need the vehicle for, your needs will obviously be quite different. If you just need an inexpensive vehicle to get you through the winter, low mileage might not be that important. But if you’re looking for a starter vehicle that you expect to last you or whomever you might be purchasing it for a few years, then the odometer reading can be pretty important. Generally speaking, less mileage means it’s been used less which therefore means it has more life on the road ahead of it.

While we can’t make guarantees, we should always have a handful of vehicles available under the 60k-mile mark. At the time of this blog being posted, we had four models – a 2004 Chrysler Crossfire at 58,333, a 2014 Chevy Spark at 59,233, a 2014 Nissan cube at 28,148 and a 2015 Dodge Dart at 54,133. These all make excellent starter vehicles or options for drivers who don’t like brand-new cars, and we should always have similar options available no matter when you come in and check. Just check out our inventory, or give us a call!

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