What might cause my car to vibrate?

By Product Expert | Posted in Tips and Tricks on Tuesday, April 4th, 2017 at 12:26 pm
Why is my car vibrating?

Why is my car vibrating?

Unfortunately, the nature of an automobile is that a lot of things can go wrong over time. Vehicles are built to last, and if you take good care of them they surely will. But that doesn’t change the fact that parts can become worn down and no longer work the way they should. Strange noises are a good indicator that something needs to be looked at and possibly fixed, but another indicator that you should definitely pay attention to is vibrating. If your car is vibrating, there are a few things that could be going on, so check out below to find out what they are and what to do.

Tips Trick

Tire Balance

Perhaps the most common cause of vibrations through your car is due to improper tire balance. If you’re on the highway and your car starts to vibrate as you pass the 55 miles-per-hour mark, then you’re probably dealing with a tire balance issue. Balancing your tires is a relatively simple and inexpensive fix, so if your car is shaking cross your fingers that this is the culprit.

Brake Rotors

One slightly more involved cause of car vibrations is that something is wrong with your brake rotor. If you haven’t taken good care of your brakes through the years, or if you have a habit of stopping more often and aggressively than normal, your rotors can become warped. That kind of wear and tear can be detrimental, as the calipers and brake pads are then unable to properly squeeze the rotor. You’ll not only notice vibrating, but it’ll also probably take longer to come to a complete stop.

Engine Problems

That brings us finally to engine problems. Nobody wants to have engine problems, as they’re generally the most involved and expensive of repairs. Fortunately, that’s not necessarily the case in this regard. If your engine bay is causing the vibrations, it’s likely just the result of worn out spark plugs, a dirty air filter or a clogged fuel filter. These are all relatively quick and inexpensive fixes, that shouldn’t run you more than a couple hundred dollars. That might not sound particularly cheap, but compared to normal engine repair costs it is.

If your car is having more problems than is worth repairing, then perhaps it’s simply time to get a new vehicle. You can find your next used car right here at Gil’s Auto Sales, just check out our inventory and give us a call.