Archive for the ‘Used Cars’ Category

When is it Time to Get Rid of an Old Car?

Friday, August 14th, 2015
Used Cars Avondale AZ

Saying goodbye to anything you care about is hard. Among our staff at Avondale Nissan, we’ve had to bury pets, parents and crappy marriages. By and large, everyone has, at some point, had to cut bait with something they love. And so it is with cars as well; we love our cars, but they eventually get old and have to be replaced. So when is it time to get rid of an old car? Here are a few signs that your best years are behind you, and that you should check out our inventory at Avondale Nissan. (more…)

Three Tips for Buying a Used Car

Tuesday, March 17th, 2015

Tips for Buying a Used Car

Despite having nearly 500 new Nissan models at our Phoenix-area dealership, many shoppers are similarly drawn to our lineup of great pre-owned vehicles. The reasons why are pretty simple; they offer like-new quality at a price that is much more palatable to some buyers. So what should buyers take into consideration when they’re looking at a used car? Here are a few tips for buying a used car–follow them all! (more…)

Ready for a New Car? Get the Best Trade-In Value Possible!

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014

Get Best Trade-In Value

When Phoenix-area drivers come to Avondale Nissan looking for their next car, they rarely walk here. In most cases, they’ve driven a car that they would like us to take off their hands as part of the transaction, and wait with baited breath as we appraise their car. But how do you get the best value for your trade? Follow these simple tips, from your friends at Avondale Nissan! (more…)