How far can you drive a Nissan vehicle when the gas light comes on?

By Product Expert | Posted in Fun Stuff on Friday, May 12th, 2017 at 10:47 am
How far can you drive a Nissan vehicle when the gas light comes on

We’ve all been there, right? You’re ripping down the highway in your Nissan, playing your favorite songs, when all of a sudden you see a “Low Fuel” light coming on your dashboard. Now you’re panicking, wondering where the next gas station is. Luckily for all of us, your gas light coming on doesn’t spell danger immediately. Today we’ll show you how far you can drive your Nissan vehicle when the gas light starts flashing!

Low Fuel Mileage in a Nissan vehicle

Let’s talk for a second about your gas tank. As you drive, your gas depletes from its tank, causing your gauge to show you losing it. The amount of gas in your tank is monitored by a ball, which sends signals to your gauge telling you how well you’re doing on the road. As your gas begins to get lower, the ball will eventually come to rest on the bottom of your tank; this is why you’ll get the “Low Fuel” light so early. Though your ball is telling you you’re not doing so hot, you still have about a gallon of gas left!

Now, depending on your vehicle’s build and how well it does in the efficiency department, it’s a safe bet that you can travel anywhere from 30 to 60 miles when your light starts flashing!

Read More: 2017 Nissan Altima fuel efficiency and how to calculate it

Contact us at Avondale Nissan

If you have any further questions about your Nissan vehicle’s gas mileage or how to calculate it, you’re welcome to contact our service team! We can help you with anything you need to know about your Nissan, and we also encourage you to check back to our blog frequently for more information about your favorite Nissan vehicles!

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