Help Fight Texting and Driving with Nissan’s #RedThumb Driver Safety Campaign!

By Product Expert | Posted in Nissan News, Safety Information on Monday, December 15th, 2014 at 4:35 pm

Nissan Red Thumb Driver Safety Campaign

In recent years, few causes have inspired such a large amount of public outcry as has texting while driving. As phones have become more ubiquitous in our cars, so too has the desire to use them, which has led to an enormous surge in the amount of accidents and injuries that can be directly attributed to the distraction that our phones cause. It’s been made illegal in most states, and the amount of public awareness has never been greater.

However, more can always be done, and to that end, Nissan has launched the Red Thumb driver safety campaign, starring The Voice judge, Maroon 5 frontman and friend of the family Adam Levine.

The aim of the Red Thumb campaign is simple: drivers make a mark of some kind on their predominant texting thumb, so that when they reach for their phones, they are reminded that, Hey, this can wait until I’m done driving. It doesn’t matter what kind of “red thumb” mark you make, either. You can paint your thumbnail, draw a red “X” on it, wear a red ring on that thumb, whatever you choose. Then, when you’ve made your commitment to quit texting and driving with your red thumb, take a picture and upload it to your favorite social media site using the “#RedThumb” tag.

The chief goal of this campaign isn’t financial at all. Rather, it’s simply to raise awareness for what is a widespread and fully avoidable problem facing many drivers of all ages.

So go do it. Make yourself a Red Thumb. Like Adam Levine says in the video seen on this page, Get Creative. We at Avondale Nissan are joining the fight as well; you should too!

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