Archive for the ‘Kia Cadenza’ Category

What is the difference between leather and Nappa leather seats?

Monday, April 11th, 2016
Nappa leather vs leather seats

Driving your vehicle everyday, and sometimes for quite few hours a day, you want to be comfortable while you drive. One of the biggest parts of driver comfort and an exceptional driving experience is your vehicle’s seating material. So, when you’re looking to buy a new vehicle the seating options available on a model become of high importance and knowing what the difference is between leather and Nappa leather seats can make a huge difference in your purchasing decision. (more…)

New 2017 Kia Cadenza Release

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016
all new 2017 Kia Cadenza Frank Boucher Kia

The 2017 Kia Cadenza is bursting into the auto world with a new sporty look at the New York International Auto Show. Wider and lower than the outgoing 2016 Cadenza, the second generation model is now more athletic and aesthetically appealing. The new 2017 Kia Cadneza release brings to drivers more innovative technologies than ever before. (more…)