Archive for the ‘Kia Forte Koup’ Category

What is the difference between leather and Nappa leather seats?

Monday, April 11th, 2016
Nappa leather vs leather seats

Driving your vehicle everyday, and sometimes for quite few hours a day, you want to be comfortable while you drive. One of the biggest parts of driver comfort and an exceptional driving experience is your vehicle’s seating material. So, when you’re looking to buy a new vehicle the seating options available on a model become of high importance and knowing what the difference is between leather and Nappa leather seats can make a huge difference in your purchasing decision. (more…)

What are the differences between the Kia Forte models?

Thursday, February 11th, 2016
2016 Forte Forte5 2015 Forte Koup Frank Boucher Kia Racine, WI

When you’re looking to buy a new compact sedan, the 2016 Kia lineup has two major front runners that each have more than one model option. The Kia Rio and Kia Forte have different model choices that offer drivers different features. The Rio has the 4-door or 5-door hatchback while the Forte has a 2, 4 or 5 door model. Today we’re going to look at what the differences between the Kia Forte models are outside of the cars’ number of doors.