Archive for the ‘Model Comparisons’ Category

What are the differences between the 2016 Forte LX vs 2016 Forte EX?

Monday, July 11th, 2016
2016 Kia Forte LX vs EX

The 2016 Kia Forte offers unexpected levels of comfort, convenience and performance all in a compact package. However, when you’re getting ready to purchase one of these agile sedans, knowing which trim level offers you the optimal balance between those features is a necessity. Here with Frank Boucher Kia in Racine, WI, you can see what the differences are between the Forte’s LX and EX trims and decide which is your ideal Forte.

READ MORE: Where to Find Kia Service Coupons

What Kia SUV Has the Best Fuel Economy?

Wednesday, June 29th, 2016
kia model fuel economies

If you’re looking for an SUV or CUV with excellent fuel economy, a flexible interior and the latest technologies, come to Frank Boucher Kia in Racine, WI and see the Kias on our lot that have the best fuel economy. Our Kia SUV and CUV inventory includes all of Kia’s utility vehicles models – the Soul, Sportage and Sorento! (more…)

What is the difference between leather and Nappa leather seats?

Monday, April 11th, 2016
Nappa leather vs leather seats

Driving your vehicle everyday, and sometimes for quite few hours a day, you want to be comfortable while you drive. One of the biggest parts of driver comfort and an exceptional driving experience is your vehicle’s seating material. So, when you’re looking to buy a new vehicle the seating options available on a model become of high importance and knowing what the difference is between leather and Nappa leather seats can make a huge difference in your purchasing decision. (more…)

What is the difference between the 2016 and 2017 Kia Sportage?

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016
2017 Kia Sportage compared to 2016 Kia Sportage

Each year car makers come out with new versions of models, sometimes with all of the same features as the current model year just with a new prefix. However, that is definitely not the case when it comes to the difference between the 2016 and 2017 Kia Sportage. For the 2017 model year, the Sportage has been redesigned to look more sophisticated and is equipped with more convenience options than ever before. (more…)

What are the differences between the Kia Forte models?

Thursday, February 11th, 2016
2016 Forte Forte5 2015 Forte Koup Frank Boucher Kia Racine, WI

When you’re looking to buy a new compact sedan, the 2016 Kia lineup has two major front runners that each have more than one model option. The Kia Rio and Kia Forte have different model choices that offer drivers different features. The Rio has the 4-door or 5-door hatchback while the Forte has a 2, 4 or 5 door model. Today we’re going to look at what the differences between the Kia Forte models are outside of the cars’ number of doors.